

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger Paid Out Tons in Honey Hush Money

So how was Tiger Woods, perhaps the world’s most recognizable celebrity, able to keep so many lovers quiet for so long?

Tiger Woods

According to Courtney Hazlett, of MSNBC’s The Scoop, Woods was shelling out monthly mistress payments to the tune of up to $20,000 per month. Citing some of Woods’ alleged side pieces, Hazlett reports that he usually wired between $5,000 and $10,000 every month. One of the women reportedly was getting $20,000.

“The money comes via a wire transfer,” Hazlett quotes one of the women saying. “There’s no contract about it; there’s no discussion about what it’s for; but it’s implied that it’s in exchange for keeping quiet about his affair.”
Even in the days following his infamous SUV crash on Thanksgiving night – which ignited the firebomb about his copious illicit affairs – Woods stayed in touch with his highest-paid doxy, Hazlett reports. “Elin took his cell phone away, so he had to call from his land line at home,” she said. “He hasn’t called in at least a week though.”

Woods, who has lost at least one major sponsor in recent days because of the negative press swirling around him, has announced that he was taking a hiatus from professional golf to concentrate on becoming a better husband, father and human being. He has asked that he be allowed to heal in private.


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