

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nas Asks Kelis for Joint Custody

Nas is ready to share parenting duties with ex-wife Kelis. After months of back and forth with the singer and her legal team, God’s son took the stand yesterday (Dec. 9) during the pair’s divorce hearing.

Though Kelis has current custody of the child, Nas’ attorney, Mark Vincent, demands that his client receive overnights with his son, Knight. When asked why he was behind on child and spousal support, the Queensbridge MC responded that he thought he was up to date.

Back in September, the two reportedly attempted to rekindle their love to no avail. At the conclusion of the hearing, Nas was ordered to pay $40,454 in spousal support and $10,647 in child support. He’s also responsible for paying Kelis’ attorney fees, which total $46,022.


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