

Sunday, December 13, 2009

EA Sports Stands By Tiger Woods Through Scandal

In light of his recent scandal, Tiger just might become a technophobe. With seemingly girl after girl coming out of the woodwork, some proudly displaying racy text messages from the billion dollar athlete, it’s a wonder he hasn’t run to some far flung corner of the world where they’ve never even heard of a landline let alone a cell phone. You’d think he would have thought to get another phone under an alias, but that’s beside the point.

Tiger made a stupid mistake on the both the morality front and the tech front. Usually when an athlete or other high profile celebrity gets caught out there in some salacious scandal, the first place they feel it is in their pockets. When the Chris Brown/Rhianna battle royale made headlines, Wrigley’s Gum and the people behind the Got Milk campaign ran for the hills voiding out Brown’s lucrative endorsement deals. When Bill O’Reilly made that big stink about Ludacris being a Pepsi spokesman, he got the boot as well. When Tiger’s scandal hit the news, EA Sports didn’t bail instead they had this to say:

Our strong relationship with Tiger for more than a decade remains unchanged. We respect Tiger's privacy, we wish him a fast recovery and we look forward to seeing him back on the golf course.

So why is EA being so ride or die? Tiger is the face of the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 and as such walking away from the person who you’ve named the game after is a pretty dumb move. And as the billion dollar athlete you can believe that at the end of the day, Tiger is not hard pressed for the dough. Like Kotaku opines, they need Tiger like these scores of other women need him for a payday. Tiger Woods is a living, breathing economy and everyone is trying to get a piece. Nike, Gatorade, and Gillette have stood by their cash cow choosing to pull a Loretta Lynn. Now let’s see if his wife can be so forgiving.

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