

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chris Brown Responds To Rihanna In 20/20 Interview

As Chris Brown watched clips from Rihanna's interview with Diane Sawyer, he sat across from 20/20's Robyn Roberts and waited to tell the world what he thought about the things she had recently said about him. "I can see what damage it does mentally, more than physically," he said in respons to Roberts' question about the "scar inside" which Rihanna had said takes longer to heal than the black eye or broken bones.

"It hurts, but it's just something I have to be responsible for because I'm responsible for my actions," Brown said somberly. The interview, which aired this past Friday (Dec. 4) on ABC's 20/20 gave Chris Brown the chance to tell his side of the story, after Rihanna had suprisingly spoke in detail about the incident.
One of the interview's most controversial moments came after Roberts asked CB about the song "Changed Man" that Rihanna told Diane Sawyer she had never heard. Brown rebuts, "She's heard the song. I played the song for her the day I did it. I did it the month after the situation." Roberts then asked Brown about Rihanna's reaction to it. "Honestly, she cried when she first heard the song. I played the song and she cried."
Though Chris Brown has stated in other interviews that he was still in love with Rihanna, this time, the R&B singer said he had "love for her," when asekd whether he was still in love.

Chris Brown's new album "Graffiti" drops this Tuesday (Dec. 8) and is reportedly addressing the Rihanna drama in his new music.

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