

Friday, September 2, 2011

The day the world changed for ever

Atrocities ... hijacked planes strike World Trade Center in devastating attack
Atrocities ... hijacked planes strike World Trade Center in devastating attack

TEN years ago the world changed for ever when terrorists flew two planes into New York's World Trade Center.
It brought to the fore a long-simmering campaign against the West by extremist Muslims linked to al-Qaeda.
Nearly 3,000 people died as the Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001, a third plane hit the Pentagon and a fourth crash-landed after passengers tried to seize control from terrorists.

Map ... shockwaves from 9/11 have spread worldwide
Map ... shockwaves from 9/11 have spread worldwide

George W Bush declared a War On Terror and ever since the conflict has never strayed far from the headlines. Here, TIM SPANTON reveals a timeline of events through iconic Sun pages.
Back in Business 9/11


AMERICA slowly returns to business normality but US stock exchange suffers record one-day loss and air traffic falls by a fifth.

Blitz US and Britain launch huge missile attack on the Taliban


BRITAIN and US invade Afghanistan to overthrow Taliban government, starting with an air blitz on military targets in Kabul.

Demon Richard Reid shoe explosives


PETTY criminal Richard Reid fails in bid to blow up jet with explosives hidden in his shoe. He had converted to Islam while in jail.

The world weeps again 187 die in Australia's 9/11 Bali


NIGHTCLUBS in Bali attacked by a suicide bomber and a car bomb. Radical Islamists Jemaah Islamiyah responsible for 202 deaths.

Killing machine sniper who shot 13 with his stepson held at last


PSYCHO John Allen Muhammad's sniper attacks leave ten dead and three injured. Jihad - holy war - against US is the prime motive.

Sling your hook Mosque's poison prophet told: Get out of Britain before we kick you out


THE Sun calls for hate-mongering preacher Abu Hamza to leave Britain. He was later jailed and is fighting extradition to US.

Sheikh 'grass' given £17m and new home in Britain


KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, is captured. He is in Guantanamo Bay, facing death sentence.

Iraq Tim Collins


BRITAIN and US invade Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Before battle, Commanding Officer Tim Collins gives a rousing speech.

Al-Qa'ida claim they bombed commuters


TEN bombs are set off on four commuter trains, killing 191 people and injuring 1,800. Muslim terrorists are behind the attacks.

Suicide bomber on the No30 Terrorist 'blew up' on bus seat Three more blasts on tube


SUICIDE bombers attack three Tube trains and a double-decker bus in London. The four bombers and 52 people are killed, 700 hurt.

Four suicide bombers on loose manhunt as London attacked Miracle as explosives fail


WOULD-BE suicide bombers try to repeat attacks of July 7 but their bombs fail to detonate. They receive lengthy jail terms.

Someone else will get shot Met's bomber hunt warning Jean Charles de Menezes


COPS shoot dead Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, mistaking him for one of the previous day's failed suicide bombers.

Bottle bombers plot to blow up 9 jets foiled 24 Brit Muslims held in raids 400,000 in airport chaos


POLICE smash plot to make bombs from liquids targeting transatlantic flights. Liquid restrictions are imposed on flights.

Free them 15 Brits snatched at gunpoint by Iran


EIGHT sailors and seven Marines are captured in Persian Gulf waters by Iran without a shot fired. They are released 12 days later.

Saved by a drunk, a clamper and hero cop


TWO petrol bombs left in a Mercedes fail to explode in London. Parked by Iraqi Dr Bilal Abdullah and Indian engineer Kafeel Ahmed.

Doctors of death medics held over terror attacks


ABDULLAH and Ahmed crash a Jeep loaded with propane into Glasgow Airport. Ahmed dies of burns, Abdullah gets 32 years.

Don't you know there's a bloody war on? Message to politicians failing our heroes


THE Sun prints photos of Britain's 207 Afghan War dead and demands action from politicians. Our troops deserve better.

Hate cleric on £25k benefits Vile Choudary paid more than soldier


THE Sun reveals hate preacher Anjem Choudary rakes in £25,000 a year in benefits – equal to a salary of £32,500 before tax.

Pride and prejudice


Muslims Against Crusaders disrupt Remembrance Day in London by burning poppies. Emdadur Choudhury is later fined just £50.

Big bagged Hunted to luxury lair used wife as shield bullet in the head body buried at sea


JUSTICE catches up with al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden as US forces kill him at his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

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