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In our hearts ... grieving relatives left prayers for lost loved ones on wall following the atrocity
SEPTEMBER 11 2001. It was the United Nations' International Day of Peace.
But before the day was over, 19 terrorists had shattered that ideal and snuffed out 2,983 innocent lives.Steering hijacked jets packed with terrified passengers into the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center at 500mph, they declared war on the United States and on the freedom-loving world in general.
It was the worst and most cowardly attack since Japan's bombing of Pearl
Harbor naval base that triggered America's entry into World War Two.
As the scale of the devastation - dozens more died in two other co-ordinated 'flying bombs' - sent shockwaves around the globe, countless millions of people could do nothing more than watch from afar as the actions of a hate-filled few changed the world forever.
A decade on, we look back at the atrocity and invite Sun readers to pay their own special tributes to the victims of 9/11 using the form below.
Click above to view our moving photo tribute honouring those who died on 9/11.
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