

Monday, June 14, 2010

A message to all members of Bab Kubwa

Mambo Vipi Rafikis!

Over the next 4 weeks we will be overhauling babkubwa.com and bringing wholly re-designed website to you.

As we work to bring these improvements, things may get a little messy along the way.

While we usually try to make improvements without any disturbance - you can consider this a complete refit - if babkubwa was a house - we'll be ripping the whole interior out in preparation for replacement, then adding some fancy furniture and extensions too!

For those of you who would rather avoid the temporary chaos at babkubwa.com while we install this new system - just head to http://babkubwa.ning.com ;

- there you will find things as you always have, for at least 4 weeks.

We will be attempting to import as much of the current babkubwa network as possible into the new version. This will hopefully avoid any need for re-registering details or re-uploading content.

much appreciated if you have time to drop any ideas/feature reqeusts for the new babkubwa.com - We've opened up a discussion on the forum here;


Asante Sana in advance for you support over the last few years! Keep
your eyes peeled for Babkubwa's brand new house! Your House! Karibu Sana!


Mr Ralph

Visit Bab Kubwa at: http://babkubwa.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

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