

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Climate deal chaos

Summit speech ... Barack Obama's plea on climate change

PRESIDENT Barack Obama's claims of a "milestone" climate change deal were last night blasted by critics.
He claimed an "unprecedented" agreement limited warming to 2°C by 2050.

But critics called it "toothless", "watered down" and said it WON'T be legally binding. They also complain that there was no agreement on emissions targets.

Mr Obama said the US had a "meaningful agreement" with China, India and South Africa.

White House officials said the pact - known as the Copenhagen Accord - was an "important first step" but "not sufficient to combat the threat of climate change".

Mr Obama left the talks in Denmark last night - BEFORE a final vote.

He said: "It's going to be very hard and take some time to make this legally binding."

These measures will then be open to international analysis, allowing countries to "keep an eye on each other".

China and India argued their carbon footprint remains "very small" - with millions of people without electricity.

UK officials were "hopeful" an international deal could still be reached last night.

A British official said: "There has been real movement."

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said: "We have made a start. What we need is a legally binding outcome."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "We have done one step. We hoped for several more."

Friends of the Earth's Andy Atkins said: "This toothless declaration that the US spins as a success is exactly the opposite. It condemns millions of the world's poorest to hunger, suffering and loss of life."

There will be further talks in Bonn, Germany, next year.


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