

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Schwarzenegger slams Palin

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger – who has backed strict new emissions controls to combat climate change – made a comment Tuesday that's sure to raise some heat, especially in GOP circles.
The Republican governor of California is questioning the motives of a high-profile opponent of the idea: Sarah Palin.
The former Republican vice presidential nominee and former Alaska governor has questioned whether human activity contributes to climate change, and written op-eds blasting the cap and trade policy promoted by the Obama administration to limit emissions. Last week, she called on President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen conference.

"You have to ask: what was she trying to accomplish?" Schwarzenegger, in Copenhagen for the international climate change summit, told the Financial Times. "Is she really interested in this subject or is she interested in her career and in winning the (Republican presidential) nomination? You have to take all these things with a grain of salt."
Palin, dubbed a climate change "denier" by Al Gore, slammed the former vice president for promoting "doomsday scenarios": "Climate change is like gravity – a naturally occurring phenomenon that existed long before, and will exist long after, any governmental attempts to affect it," she wrote in a Facebook post last week.

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